Cuando adquirió la capacidad de desentrañar y dar sentido a los signos escritos que ilustraban los libros se sumió en la frustración de ver morir las historias que se había forjado desde su ceguera a las letras, y abandonó para siempre la lectura.
Marcos Taracido | 23 de febrero de 2006
TrickyDicky 2006-02-23 15:56
When he acquired the ability to decipher and give meaning to the written marks illuminating the books, the stories unveiled since the time he had been blind to words seemed to lose their vitality and sinking into frustration, he gave up reading for ever.
2006-02-23 15:56 When he acquired the ability to decipher and give meaning to the written marks illuminating the books, the stories unveiled since the time he had been blind to words seemed to lose their vitality and sinking into frustration, he gave up reading for ever.